Tuesday, February 9, 2010

... hardly working!

So lately I spend my days at work on Facebook and Meebo being the social buttafly that I am and yeah it sounds awesome, but I feel like a major loser. Oh and guilt - I feel guilty. I'm a receptionist. My job is to reception. No, recept. No that's not right. Well whatever... My job is to answer phones and be my usual witty, charming and helpful self which I manage to do while talking to my compadres and updating my status every few hours until I manage to write something clever enough to earn me a few "likes". It's important shit. ANYWAY On to more pressing news.


Now we (and I use that term loosely) made this blog to show my progression from fat to fab, but as you will soon see it's NOT been very successful... I'm just gaining more! So I need to get to the bottom of this....

I copied this from a Food Addicts website:

Are you a food addict?
To answer this question, ask yourself the following questions and answer them as honestly as you can.

1 Have you ever wanted to stop eating and found you just couldn't? Yes... I thought that was the POINT of a buffet...

2 Do you think about food or your weight constantly? HELLO - I have this blog!

3 Do you find yourself attempting one diet or food plan after another, with no lasting success? Yes. Yes, I do find myself being fat after trying not to be fat...

4 Do you binge and then "get rid of the binge" through vomiting, exercise, laxatives, or other forms of purging? Yes, but vomiting doesn't work for me - no gag reflex...but that's a story for another blog...

5 Do you eat differently in private than you do in front of other people? Of COURSE, but I think the fact that I'm 245 lbs let the cat outta the bag that I'm eating more than salad and Special K... just maybe.

6 Has a doctor or family member ever approached you with concern about your eating habits or weight? My family is Jamaican so they don't "approach" they SWARM and get all inna yuh business...

7 Do you eat large quantities of food at one time (binge)? Yes. Of course I do. SUPERSIZE IT ALL BITCHESSSSSSSS!

8 Is your weight problem due to your "nibbling" all day long? OK I'm done wit these damn questions... They're all YES ok? They're allllll yessssssss!!!

9 Do you eat to escape from your feelings?
10 Do you eat when you're not hungry?
11 Have you ever discarded food, only to retrieve and eat it later?
12 Do you eat in secret?
13 Do you fast or severely restrict your food intake?
14 Have you ever stolen other people's food?
15 Have you ever hidden food to make sure you have "enough?"
16 Do you feel driven to exercise excessively to control your weight?
17 Do you obsessively calculate the calories you've burned against the calories you've eaten?
18 Do you frequently feel guilty or ashamed about what you've eaten?
19 Are you waiting for your life to begin "when you lose the weight?"
20 Do you feel hopeless about your relationship with food?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you may be a food addict. You are not alone. FA offers hope through a real solution to food addiction.


OK waaaaaaaaaait a minute. If I answer yes to ONE?!?! You bastards, I answered yes to ALLLLL of those gotdamn questions!!!!!! What category do I fall under? SUPER fat ass?!?!?


So I need a PLAN. Any suggestions? I need two plans: MEAL and EXERCISE.

Suggestions welcome. Thanks!


Prettybrwneys said...

LMAO @ #4, but the best diet plan is the mental one. Once you get there mentally and you say I'm gonna do this, you have to be serious about it. you can't be like most Fat asses and say "OK I'm about to go on a diet so I'm bout to eat mad double cheeseburgers and a whole cheesecake because I cant eat it next week when I start this diet"... (I've been that fat ass a few times) Just make a slow progression of getting into the habit of eating healthy and walking more instead of driving everywhere. BUT what has worked for me is truly getting there mentally first whether its eating healthy and working out everyday or fasting both are very hard to do so GET YA MIND RIGHT SON!!!! lol

Pure Cane said...