Thursday, March 5, 2009

Oh Thursday

I have nothing to blog about.

That bothers me greatly. Actually I have LOTS to blog about but I'm too much of a pussy and I believe that karma karma karma come back to you hard (Lauryn Hill fans will get that) and I don't want to say anything bad about anyone because when I run for governor (or something) some asshat will google me and find the blog I wrote a kajillion years ago and I'll be ruined.

I know that's what's gonna happen. I just know it.

UGH! I'm so frustrated with life. I think I need a day of everyone doing wtf I say. When it's 8:24 am and I have NO time to fk around on the road and I yell, "Move ya ass already ya fkn moron!", for ONCE I want you to move! When I'm starving at 11:58 and need a good lunch and I say "Damn I hope the cafe has picadillo and rice.", I would really appreciate some gotdamn rice and slide me an extra serving of picadillo. Ya hear me?

Life isn't fair.

What would YOU ask for if you could snap your fingers? (Don't be a punk and end world hunger either... That gives overpaid celebs something to do when they need attention for doing things OTHER than getting drunk in public or cheating on their spouses..)

OK I'm going to go study. My boring blog is so boring I'm tempted to go make myself throw up in the copy room just to shake things up.

I miss my daughter and my boyfriend :0(

1 comment:

WuTang said...

barf in the copy room.... DO IT!!

I would ask for 3 day weekends every week. That way I can get drunk tonight and not have to worry about a hangover tomorrow while at work trying to function :)