Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Not so hot....

So guess what? Going raw blows if you don't have the time to prepare ur meals... sounds completely asinine, but it's TRUE! I ate fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch on and on and on and got bored. Not only is this boring, but you won't lose as much weight as you can if you're not eating the raw foods that burn fat. I know there are PLENTY of resources available for ideas and recipes, but I've realized the reason I'm fat and getting fatter: I'M LAZY. That's it. Sickening.

The fact is EVERY METHOD WORKS - if you stick to it. I've done Atkins, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, pill after pill after pill and where am I? FATTER than before. I need ephedra in my life. Seriously. I need some dramatically dangerous way to lose 50 lbs and I promise I will work so hard to do the rest all on my own. Pinky swear.

Anyway what's new in life? Nothing actually. I had a weekend full of migraines and I think it's because I'm seriously in need of a DETOX. I've gone back to being obsessed with food and it's expensive and dangerous. I read something about envisioning my goals and I think if I seriously SEE myself fitting into a pair of size 12 pants I can make it happen.

I have an elliptical sitting at home. In the box. Ugh. I'm a loser!!!!!!!!! I need to get my LIFE together. I need to get to the source of my excessive behavior. Too many clothes, too much eating, too much spending, too many THINGS that I don't even USE in my house that need to be THROWN AWAY or SOLD. I have an idea! (watch out now!) March has just started and I'm dedicating this month to removing ALL the clutter from my life. I need space in my home, my finances, my pants and my BRAIN!

God help us all.

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