Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Day After Monday

So I didn't blog yesterday (I know you noticed). I tell ya - Monday was a nightmare. Have you ever felt like.... I dunno... How does impending doom sound? Fun. I'm just so stressed out and I think it's the clutter - my whole world is caving in and there's no way to keep things in check! (Insert screaming girl running around office here.) Thanks.

Where shall I begin? At the beginning you say? You're so clever!

So I woke up yesterday and went for a walk/jog and although I was exhausted and cold, I made it and felt better for having gotten off of my fat ass and getting some exercise. It takes dedication. I just gain so much so fast. It's RIDICULOUS because I really don't eat THAT bad; I just don't get enough exercise. At any rate, as you can see the day started off with so much promise. Minime was in an alright mood. Poor kid has a busy schedule. She's been so sleepy and irritable lately that I keep having visions of what life will be like when she comes into her 'womanhood' if ya know what I mean. If she's this irritable now can you imagine this heiffer with PMS? Oh HELL no. I'm probably going to have her committed or put her in boarding school or... or... or something equally bad. That'll teach her.

ANYWAY so the kid was cool, but then she grumbled that her oatmeal was too haaaaaaawt (quit ur belly achin' and eat it Goldilocks, Mama's gotta GO!) and Mommy do I need to wear this and Mama I need $5 and Moooooooooom did you sign my agendaaaaaaa? Needless to say by the time I got into my car I was on edge and should not have been behind the wheel. The thing is not only was I ANNOYED, but I'm also quite as sleepy and irritable as Minime and I wish we could sleep in and get up at 11 to make s'mores in the microwave for breakfast and watch Disney channel all day, but now I'm sitting on 441 and some 124 yr old lady is driving 27 mph and I can't get around her. I'm thinking hmmmm... You're old enough to be my Gramma's gramma; where the HELL are you going at 8 in the morning?!?!

W H E R E?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!

So here we are.... I survived my great great grandmother and I'm finally downtown and I'm on Livingston Street. Oh yeah baby and it's 8:23 - I. AM. GOOD. I'm really feelin myself now and just as I'm about to do the cabbage patch, whaddya think happens?!? A freakin TRAIN is crossing.

It was all downhill from there.


Today's a new damn day people!

Ahhh Tuesday.. Sounds so much better than Monday.

I'm still SLEEPY as hell, but generally in a better mood. I've had my oatmeal this morning but I'm STARVING now and I was trying to wait to have my banana, but you know how I feel about bananas. The perfect length and thickness with just a little bit of a curve. Oh yeah.... I need it now. Hahahahaaha - See what I did there? I made my snack a joke! You know like well because the banana is such a phallic symbol and all... Mmmm banana. My man loves it when I bite his big banana. Get it? BANANA = PENIS. OK I'll stop.

Alright so... it's still early and things can go terribly wrong but for now everything is quite wonderful. I just need a nap. Now now now!!!

Hope you have a great day too!


Karma Sweet said...

Candice, you are hilarious!

I'm over here in tears. I miss you!

Pure Cane said...

I miss you too!