Friday, April 9, 2010

Some of you may have heard about my love/hate relationship with the school crossing guard. She's supposed to wave at drivers as they pass by (oh yeah and help little sprouts cross the street without getting plowed), but sometimes she totally ignores me! I've seen her ass at Walmart at I'm >< this close to askin her what her gotdamn problem is but thus far I've managed to refrain.. So this morning she waves..waves..waves and when I get up to the intersection this heffa stops. waving. WTF?! So u know me (if not, u should - I'm awesome), I rolled down my window, start flailing my arms and smiling I yell GOOD MORNING!!!! It was so obnoxiously delicious I didn't even care that traffic sucked and my hair frizzed up on the way to work! Happy Friday!!!

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