Wednesday, February 17, 2010

End of Day 3

Bkfast: I forgot! I was busy on the phone so I sipped some green tea while I facebook'd lol

Snack: Still talking and FB'ing... I had to get my Bejeweled Blitz score up maaaaan!!

Lunch: BBQ chicken wings - not breaded

Snack: Nothin'

Dinner: No. Thing.

I know NOT eating slows my metabolism down, but that 255 fkd my whole head up. Anorexia looks appealing, but I know it doesn't work so I'll get back on track tomorrow.

Night ya'll!


Natballs said...

anorexia SUCKS!
"anorexia looks appealing"
hahahahahahaha that made me laugh

dude, whit was telling me that she worked out hardcore and watched what she ate last week and she STILL gained 2 lbs.

Pure Cane said...

oh good ballsamighty WTF man

Karma Sweet said...

Um, please eat. That's NOT a healthy way to loose weight. Eat a light, healthy dinner, like a salad or something. Try a diet tea too. It will make you shit your life'll feel lighter and not as bad about eating. LMAO! Love ya & your blog!