Monday, November 5, 2012


Moving forward I have new objectives... I've always been and raw with my experiences and the SERIOUS emotion that those experiences would cause lol. Now I'm a little bit older (I just turned 30 in April) and I'm not insinuating I'm some ultra mature lady with new-found wisdom, but I've definitely learned quite a bit and have actually made sense of what these experiences have taught me.. Hopefully that will be clear to you as you venture on this journey with me. Unless you've just come upon this page, I have shared this site with you because you have my respect and I value your opinion so please honor me with your comments.

Tonight my mind is Love and it's and its and its actions. I think over the course of my writing here (2009 - present) I've been in a few relationships (no need to count!) and felt very strongly that I was in a situation that involved love, but looking back I never really was. That would be hindsight. Ughhhh's like that best friend we hate to love, because they're definitely gonna hit you with I told you sooo!)I think it hangs out with Karma...but I digress...

My love problem was that I never allowed myself to see with my eyes and hear with my ears...just feel with my heart. I did myself an injustice, but today I can honestly say I have no regrets. I knew my interpretation of love and I ran with it. Today I realize that love has too many facets to be completely understood or wrapped up into a pretty package. is inspiration..

More later...

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